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Our Code of Conduct covers the fundamental behaviours which all members are expected to abide by.

As a professional body, we promote high standards of ethical conduct among our members to:

  • Protect the members of the public
  • Protect IMechE members
  • Uphold the reputation of the Institution and the wider engineering profession.

Our By-laws and Code of Conduct are our ethical standards, which apply to all IMechE members. The Code of Conduct Instructions provide further guidance to the regulations.

Members are expected to refer to the Code on a regular basis and to act in accordance with the Code throughout their membership, whether in a professional or a personal capacity, irrespective of their grade, the professional role they fulfil, or the countries in which they practise.

Code of Conduct - four principles

Practise competently and maintain up-to-date knowledge and skills

We should act with care and competence

  • Maintain our professional knowledge and maintain a record of continuing professional development.
  • Only undertake professional services in areas of current competence
  • Should disclose any relevant limitations on our competence to undertake professional work
  • Quantify and limit risk in all aspects of professional work, including with those who are working under our authority
  • Ensure that we maintain adequate professional indemnity insurance either via employer or personally.

Act with integrity and respect for others

We should act with integrity and in a reliable and trustworthy manner

  • Do not knowingly mislead nor allow others to be misled.
  • Should respect confidentiality obligations express or implied.
  • Present and review engineering evidence, theory and interpretation honestly, accurately and without bias
  • Avoid deceptive acts and refrain from corrupt practices
  • Reject bribery and record gifts or hospitality received
  • Declare conflicts of interest
  • Do not implicate the Institution in oral or written correspondence.

Promote sustainability

We should engage responsibly with the environment

  • Recognise the importance of socioeconomic and environmental factors
  • Comply with obligations for health and safety and environmental protection
  • Take account of the needs of a diverse environment, while never knowingly or deliberately exploiting natural resources
  • Balance the needs of the present with the needs for future generations.

Exercise engineering leadership

We should contribute positively to the public perception of the profession

  • Contribute to public discussion on engineering matters within own area of competence and in an objective, clear and truthful manner
  • Take positive action when we encounter unmanaged risk or malpractice
  • Advocate and support the extension of ethical practices and respect the rights and reputations of others
  • Support and encourage diversity within the industry.

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If you would like to find out more about how we are governed contact the Corporate Governance Department


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Complaints about Institution members not adhering to the Code of Conduct Regulations must be submitted on the Complaint Form and sent by post or electronically to:


    Clerk to the Assessors

    Institution of Mechanical Engineers

    1 Birdcage Walk


    SW1H 9JJ

    Written letter/email complaints will not be accepted. Completion of the Complaint Form is required.

    The Complaint Form and information on the Disciplinary process is available here.