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Experienced engineers

As you progress with your career, you will be considering professional registration and development

With longer-term objectives and options on your radar, we have a suite of advice, activities and resources to help.

  • Manage your career

  • Develop work and life skills

    In association with Renovo, EngTechs get unlimited access to Workfriend, a multimedia online career management portal.
    • Develop networking skills
    • Enhance your digital profile
    • Improve performance at interview
    • Get support with issues such as pension, stress and finance
  • Events and training

    • Attending engineering events - seminars, lecture or technical visits - are an excellent way to meet engineers, share experience and gain new knowledge
    • Engineering training courses are a quick and straightforward way to gain specific skills
  • Further learning

    Find out how Further learning can help with your career and professional development.
    • You may want to study full-time, part-time or attend particular courses

Need some help?

Contact the membership team if you have any questions about joining us.


Mechanical engineering careers guide

Are you studying or considering a career in mechanical engineering? Our careers guide can help you write your first CV, find out how much engineers earn or learn how to apply for your first job.

Read our careers guide